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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  September 7, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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13,303 after going up way more than 200 points yesterday on news things may be getting better in europe. that's it for "studio b." cavuto is coming up next. >> neil: what happened? after the party last night. the hangover this morning and the jolt even the most pessimistic economists never saw coming up because after the talk of soaring, well, how is this for sobering? 96,000 is how many jobs were created last month, a lot less than thought. 368,000 people simply dropping out of the workforce all together. that's why the jobless rate went down. folks are just giving up. welcome, i'm neil cavuto on top
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of a post convention jobs bounce that wasn't. >> we can meet that goal together. >> maybe not. for this president are reminding despite the soaring rhetoric, the same old saga, the recovery is a piece of work. if that jobs news wasn't enough, a warning from intel that the chips just hitting the fan. the tech giant warning things aren't rosy. first to the market, jim la cant on the impact. >> what happened? >> these numbers were awful, neil. when you break down these numbers not only was the number itself bad bus most of it was fabricated. they assume a certain amount of new businesses were started. 83,000 of the 96,000 jobs they
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say we got were from the death model so its statistical engineering. they revised the numbers down from the previous two months. when you look at what jobs made up the jobs growth for the month, you're looking at restaurant and bar jobs, the lowest paying jobs you can get. so we're not seeing recovery at all. a lot of people say the housing market is recoverying but where are the construction jobs? we're not seeing them. this unfortunately puts us close to what we call stall speed in the economy and it's always led to recession. >> they might counter to that. there was a survey on housing that says its improving, but not at a great pace. the administration will say we know the recovery isn't the strength and breadth we'd like but it's a 30th month of jobs growth and that trend we like. what do you say? >> well, it might be the 30th 30th month of jobs growth but
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you have to grow more to bring down the rate. if you look at the number much 0 people working versus eligible to work we're at a 30-year low. 63% is the -- all we can come up with of people that are eligible to work but are working. 37% are working at all. that number's way too high. we have way too many people on food stamps and i feel for those people. but the bottom line is it's not good for the economy and doesn't demonstrate recovery at all. i argue the jobs picture is a lot worse, not a lot better. >> we've gotten some news out of manufacturing, a third month in a row, where that's been showing contraction. that doesn't always show worse times to come but a lot of times it does but it adds added angest. what is a big company like that telling you and what is it
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signaling? >> it speaks volumes. intel makes semiconductors. needed in every single piece of electronics we buy, the main thing we buy. smartphones, ipads, it keeps consumers spending. if intel is making less, demand is slowing. manufacturing really led this recovery. corporate profits were also a bright spot. now we're seeing corporate profits across the board that are going to be down year over year for the next two quarters. that's the worst numbers we've seen since the recovery began. and if corporate profits aren't there and manufacturing is slowing down, what do you think's going to happen to jobs when they don't know what the rules are because of the fiscal cliff. it ties together to paint a negative picture. >> neil: jim, thank you. the president in new hampshire saying we need to create jobs faster and there's a reason why we're not.
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>> this house of cards collapsed in the great recession. millions of innocent americans losing their jobs and their homes. focus folks losing their lifesavings and we're fighting to recover from that. >> neil: so the upshot, the down report not his doing, the prior guy's doing. sununu heard that. what do you think of that, governor? >> you know, at some point this president's going to have to man up and start understanding that he has responsibility. that jobs report is even worse than jim put together in his presentation. if i may, let me go behind the numbers. if participation this month was the same as participation last month, unemployment would have gone up to 8.4%. but worse than that, if partial this month was the same at when president obama came into office, that is to say if people
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had as much hope of finding a job today as they had when he came into office, unemployment would be 11.2%. that is devastating. people have to understand that what this president is giving america is a loss of hope and a loss of confidence. the only thing i think that can start fixing this economy is to return hope with people beginning to feel comfortable that mitt romney will be elected. if not, you'll get intel like reports from everybody. >> you know this in and out but the advisor in the report based it on the number of available in the workforce. when they opt out it changes. the unemployment rate went down. you know the i idiosyncrasies. people say there's a chance the unemployment rate could be under 8% not for the right or good
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reasons but it could help the president this fall. >> yeah, i am aware that -- if it crawls under 8%, the president is going to timeout -- tout it as something fantastic but he's not going to be able to convince 23 million americans that aren't working or are under employed something good happened to them and that's not going to change. and he's not going to convince the intels of the world who tell their employees we've got problem. even though the president will try to pump it up, people have to understand the worst thing he's done is kill the hope and confidence of this economy, which is the stimulant that creates investment. >> neil: you know, governor, when i was at the republican convention with you at the time, paul -- the head of intel joined me and he's a guarded, quiet guy. doesn't grant too many interviews. he chatted with us and he raised
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headwinds, issues, maybe i should have been smart and telegraphed it this morning. that there's very little impetus to expand, pair paraphrasing when that's so many uncertainties. how bad is it. >> i've said it before, there's more cash in the hands of private sector, corporations like intel, corporations to buy from intel and buy products that indell goes into. they're sitting with cash, more than they've had in the history of america. that's the money that goes into investment. that's the money that goes into hiring people. and they're not doing it for just one reason. they are scared to death that there's a chance obama might get reelected. my personal feeling is that once that changes. once the numbers start going romney's way, you're going to start seeing the private sector in america being willing to deal
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with the hope that things will change for the better. they will start investing and they will start hiring. >> neil: i don't know, because when they look at that market, that doubled under barack obama's stewart ship from lows when he came into office and say if wall street's worried about us, they have a funny way of showing it. >> there's a lot of the reasons for that. the rest of the world looks worse and a lot of money is coming from overseas because we're still, in spite of th problems this administration has caused, the united states is still the safe haven investment for many people around the world. i think it's just the misinterpretation of reality. >> thank you very much. fair and balanced. democratic congressman, one of my favorite guests at the convention. congressman, there is this issue about these jobs numbers. the unemployment rate, say it
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keeps going down but maybe for all the wrong reasons. which does the president tout, which do the democrats tout? i have an idea. what do you say? >> look, before i came on i tweeted a few things from fox news. one is a report from january of last year that told us something we've known for 50 years, 10,000 baby boomers a day are retiring from the workforce. so the idea that people are leaving the workforce is actually not news, neil. we've known it was coming for a long time. >> neil: but 300 -- >> let me just finish. let me finish. >> neil: it was larger than thought. >> i tweeted it out because it's got the fox news banner on it so i want you to take ownership of it to report that 10,000 a day, every day, and this was reported january of 2011. the second thing i tweeted was a
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fox news report about the december jobs report in '08 that said this is the worst job situation in 60 years in america. now, i agree with john sununu. i saw him in charlotte, he's a great guy and i agree with him when he says the only problem with beating up on america is that the rest of the world looks worse, so we're making progress. i know a lot of republicans are popping champagne today on bad news that we gained jobs again for the 30th straight month but it's a lot better than the fox news reports i put out on twitter. i want people to know what i tell you is the truth. >> neil: i know when you -- i know when you tweeted, sir, you were fair and balanced and you understood the difference between apples and oranges. >> shepard: i didn't put any words in it. i tweeted the actual news story from fox. >> i could tell you there's an
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earthquake in italy but the point is that's apart from people who lead the workforce because they can't get work. the latest month, 368,000 were like that. you're right to look at the trends for 30 strait months of job gains but they're paltry. the numbers are what they are. are you worried that whatever excitement was in the convention center when you and i were there could dissipate quickly when americans say what's the party about? we're hurting. putting politics aside. 4.6 million americans have gotten jobs in the last 30 months. when you look at the fox news story about december of '08 where you said this is the worst job situation in 60 years. >> no one doubts. >> congressman, like i told you, no one doubts where it came from. no one doubts the severity.
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it just gets old to just hang on to that. we know what the president inherited. we know the mess he had. we know apparently there was not a democratic congress that was looking at the same mess at the time. what i would like to address with you is what is the point at which you gain ownership and responsibility for the mess right now? >> we take ownership of the fact that moving this country forward, the president's done the lion's share of the lifting. if he had a little help from the republicans in congress, so many more americans could be at work. >> are you kidding? you had the run of the table for two years. >> let me just tell you this, right? we've had a situation where the president's had to do this almost on his own. and you know it and i know it. that's the point. >> he had a democratic house, a democratic senate. the world was his oyster. you might be right, he's battled a lot of nasty republicans and
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their evilness but the fact is it's not as if he -- he was a victim here. right? >> look, the president didn't create the baby boomers and their retirement. so if we're losing 10,000 a day, and you got 300,000 for the month, it might tell you that these numbers worked in concert. one to another. you have people leaving the workforce but the other thing is you have new jobs being created and 96,000 more families are better off. that makes 4.6 million better off on under this president's leadership. >> you're good, congressman. you're good. more after this. stick around.
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>> thinker about this. 60 days, two more jobs reports today but after today, which party will gain? you have the jobs thing and unemployment thing. two different reads. the political maestro larry --
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my staff loves larry. he's always wrong but he's a wonderful human being. what did he give us? these pens. i want ice cream and that's what we're fighting for here. but professor, always good to have you and thank you for being so helpful at the conventions. on this jobs report, there are two ways to spin it, you can look at the unemployment. it's going down. people don't think it's for the right reason. how is this jobs thing going to play out? >> first i want your viewers to know you're a party animal. they don't know that side of you. >> ixnay. whatever happens in charlotte stays in charlotte. >> yeah, stays in charlotte. as far as the jobs report, i'll tell what you has stunned me in looking at the internals of polls for past jobs reports and i'll bet you the same is true for this one. it's not changing anything.
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people are so dug in this year and the electorate as we talked meantimes is so polarized it just doesn't seem to be having any effect. it's like people processed the fact the economy is flat, not looking good and it's part of the formula that's produced their vote, at least for the 95% who have decided. >> neil: you and i chatted about this, our expectations are so low. when you get use today anemic numbers and growth of 1.5, 2% if we're lucky and you have years of that. you do a jig if you get to 2.5%, if it's not a decline of 90,000. it's a gain. you know what i mean? >> no, absolutely true. we talk about the expectations gain a lot in politics. if you think a candidate's
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supposed to win by 15 and only wins by so, somehow it's a loss. same with job numbers. if you have certain expectations the economy is bad and numbers say it's bad, you just shrug your shoulders and say well, tell me something i don't know. >> neil: if you get an unemployment rate under 8% for whatever reason to go into that, is that a good number to hang for the president? >> well, it might be if it's accompanied by a substantial increase in the number of jobs. when those numbers came out this morning at first blush, i said, well, you know, president obama got a fig leaf with the decline of unemployment from 8.3 to 8.1, then the details as to why. the fact that you've got a vanishing workforce. as we get closer to the election, i think people will focus in more on the details. and it isn't just going to be the absolute number on the unemployment rate.
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they're also going to ask what does this mean going forward? does it mean that the economy is truly recovering or are we going to have more of the same year after year. >> we'll watch closely. thank you my friend. >> he introduced sarah palin had in 2008 but was nowhere to be found in tampa.
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you know, i'm just assessing both conventions and it occurs to me when i was in tampa, one guy i didn't see was jon huntsman jr. and i don't know why. former governor, right now joins me. governor, why weren't you there? >> neil, when i found out that you were going to be there i figured that -- >> forget it, no way. >> the common sense people were covered and no need for anyone else to go. let me say this, i've been to
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practically every convention since 1984 when i went as a delegate for president reagan. i'm less into the theatrics of politics and more into how we are going to find our way out of this hole. so i sat back and wrote a piece on immigration reform for the "wall street journal." i'm also of the. >> neil: very good piece. >> thank you. that conventions increasingly are irrelevant. >> neil: woe whoa, whoa. stop right there. we cover them, okay? we cover them and they're great trips for us and we enjoy them. with that in mind, could you continue? >> you're right. it was proved at the democratic convention that the few fu fighters put on a better concert live. it's an opportunity i guess to get specific about how we're going to go forward. the conventions are over, the numbers are pretty much back to where we were before. nobody knows anything about the
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candidates they didn't know before. face it, with the saturation bombing and all of the information they did out there on the candidate, it's not like even at recently as 1992 with three or four networks and people didn't know much about you until you stepped on the stage. here we are with horrible unemployment numbers and wondering which way to go. i think mitt romney has a huge opportunity because the issues are with the republican party. they're big, they're difficult, they're complicated and they'll require a full airing and articulation. i think he's up to the task and the next two months really want to be about getting us to the promised land, articulating how we get this economy, the greatest the world has ever known, back in fighting shape. that's going to take i think three things that need to be vetted. one is tax reform. we've talked about that already. i think there's a consensus, it's emerging on capitol hill
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for how that works. the second is immigration reform. and let's face it, we need to get beyond the rhetoric and recognize it for what it is and see it as a legitimate economic development tool that adds vitality, adds brain power and will be critical for our future performance. third, the greatest gift we've been given recently is shale gas. i don't think we have any idea what it means to the economy going forward and how it will boost our prospects for competitiveness. when you consider manufacturing businesses today deal with economics that are more $12.50 per barrel oil prices soaped as opposed to 100, this is a huge deal. >> neil: back to my issue, why didn't you go to the convention? >> i think i've answered that one for you. this is mitt romney's show. >> neil: all the other guys to
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ran against him were there and you have noticeable by your absence. >> no, i don't think i was. the last thing mitt romney -- >> here's what -- >> neil: there's -- do you not like each other? >> none whatsoever. you guys love to stir up drama and controversy and back stories. >> neil: no, this is just me stirring up the trouble. >> he won the primary allegedly. he's a good man, able to get out on the issues he's passionate about. i can drive it to victory. >> neil: you're going to vote for him. >> of course i'm going to vote for him. >> when you talk about the conventions, the republicans failed at addressing the issues and bill clinton, with his number dissertation, a lot of folks were saying, who do the republicans have that are comfortable in statistics. you're very comfortable and that
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could prove why you have a short-lived presidential run because you're comfortable with it. i am kidding. republicans are afraid of taking on the bill clinton types and bill clinton himself because they're not comfortable in numbers and expressing the mission and their party dna the way you can easily keep up with him. what do you think of that? that republicans aren't adequately stating their number case? >> we're falling back too frequently on sound bites and platitudes. what bill clinton did, i think brilliantly, he humanized a lot of terribly complicated issues and brought them into the living room, he brought them to the heart and soul of people in ways everybody could understand. he had an intelligent conversation with people who wanted intelligent conversation. >> neil: which proves people can have that and welcome that. >> they want it. all this stuff about being stuck
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with awful numbers, come on. this is the greatest economy the world has ever known. we need to recognize, neil, that we're still waiting for the cycle to improve. every quarter we wait. the cycle ain't around anymore. we're facing a structural economic problem. the unemployment problems require a structural set of solutions. not a temporary sprinkle of money or intergovernment transfers of capital. we need structural solution to say deal with the unemployment problem. that's where governor romney has an opportunity to stand up on these terribly complicated and bodacious proposals and bring them into the living rooms of americans. and to spell out in spes if i specificity how he's going to go it done and win the election. >> if he loses, are you running
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in 2016? >> you've got to be crazy if you start thinking about politics. >> neil: are you kidding in both conventions, i must have talked to a dozen. you're right, it's tacky. >> i like to think i'm sane most of the time. >> jon huntsman, one of those rare birds with a comfortable level with all these numbers. bill clinton's got that. they don't utilize that enough. we've got a newsflash, the debt topping $316 trillion. one guy didn't notice. oh, hey alex. just picking up some, brochures, posters copies of my acceptance speech. great! it's always good to have a backup plan, in case i get hit by a meteor. wow, your hair looks great. didn't realize they did photoshop here. hey, good call on those mugs. can't let 'em see what you're drinking. you know, i'm glad we're both running a nice, clean race. no need to get nasty.
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liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? >> neil: it is amazing with the exception of you referring to the debt clock how few of your colleagues speaking down tere do. >> our country is on a road towards bankruptcy. >> we had $16 trillion debt news today. no one's mentioned it. no one. why not? >> first of all because it's not news. >> i've not heard anything about the debt. not a word. nothing. >> i actually have. >> where? >> the country's absolutely deepener debt. you look back at inauguration day it was $10.7 trillion. today $16 trillion of debt under this president. >> it's not a priority on my list. >> i'm not saying that. >> you said you're not going to mention the debt. >> no, i'm saying -- >> you are going to mention it? >> no, i'm not saying that. >> they're clapping, singing,
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rejoicing about spending and doing more. >> where? >> in this invention center. >> do you think this democrats should tackle this issue head on and not hide? >> i don't think they've hid from it. >> the democratic congressman from utah. why wasn't it talked up more? >> i think it should have been. i asked the same question. it's a serious issue and it's something we ought to tackle. there's no easy answer and both parties have some explaining to do frankly in terms of how we're going to take on the issue. because we have a structural deficit in our government and it's got to stop. >> neil: we got all this happening by the end of the year, as you know. tax rates that expire. what does your gut -- what do you think happens? >> i think the tax cuts get extended and i think they should be. i don't think we want to disrupt this economy with anything that
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changes the tax strut. >> including the upper rates, let's 'em go a quarter, a year? >> yes. mind you i don't like temporary extensions, it creates uncertainty for individuals and businesses. i would like to see long term policy developed. i know that's not going to happen by december 31 so my opinion, extend them all and take on the broader issue of tax reform which is desperately needed. the last time our tax code was overhauled was 1986 and the world was very different. >> neil: you have your -- you are facing a republican sensation with a lot of press, condolleeza rice was campaigning with her. what is your answer to her and the fact that fiscal stewardship in washington is just cracking? >> well, i think you look at my record. i've always spoken out for fiscal discipline and supported the balanced budget amendment and i supported paul ryan's line
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item veto legislation. i don't think either party has a corner on this issue. i think both parties have a checkered past when it comes to financial stewardship and government finance. my answer is what it is on everything, don't buy into the nonsense all republicans think one way and all democrats think the other. look at the individual. that's who is representing in congress. >> thank you very much. >> the man who brought us this. >> i actually did vote for the 87 billion billion dollars befoi voted against it. >> now he says this. >> it isn't fair to say mitt romney doesn't have a position on afghanistan. he has every position. he -- he was against -- he was against setting a date for withdrawal. then he said it was right. then he left the impression that maybe it was wrong to leave this soon. mr. romney, here's a little
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advice, before you debate barack obama on foreign policy, you better finish the debate with yourself. >> neil: you know, i watched that thinking pot, meet kettle but that was just me. what do you think of that? >> it was interesting. you know i was trying to figure out if he was saying it with a hint of irony or meant it. with john kerry. >> neil: it had to be irony. knowing his past and prior statements, he's not oblivious to videotaped. >> i think the obama campaign has tried to make the flip-flop and issue and it's different with kerry. he had recent statements, i was against it before i was before it and it worked for kerry. it doesn't work for romney because he's been running as a conservative and proven he's a conservative. selecting paul ryan, it's reaffirmed his conservative credentials so i'm not sure the
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flip-flopper charge will stand. >> does that charge -- assuming all politicians are flip-floppers. it doesn't even resonate anymore? >> i think it's, to quote, we're defining deviants down. we're defining politics down. accepting flip-flopping is body politics and normal. it's sad commentary and one of the things this campaign -- i don't think anybody's going to pretend is elevates the discourse. over time, governor romney, if he wins, has a chance to show he meant what he said and implements a lot of what he talked about during the campaign. >> neil: who has the edge going into the fall? >> the president does still i think. if you look where the president's at, elections are typically a referendum on the president. in this case president obama has painted romney as an elitist out
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of touch flip-flopper. it comes down to ohio and florida. ohio, the president has an advantage. they benefited from the auto bailout. if he wins ohio it becomes tough for governor romney to win. the math becomes very difficult. >> neil: good seeing you again. >> a classic case of he said, she said. who is right? >> corporations are people, my friend. >> corporations are not people. >> our legal eagles on the case after this. jack, you're a little boring. boring. boring. [ jack ] after lauren broke up with me, i went to the citi private pass page and decided to be...not boring. that's how i met marilyn... giada...
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corporations are not people. >> neil: well that's settled that. i wondered who all these people were returning around in this building. they're not people, they're androids. [ laughter ] it's my opinion. i want that out there right away. i'm not meaning to be callous or indifferent but the corporations
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aren't people thing, play that out. then you want to sue a corporation, you're not suing a corporation, you're suing a thing. not individuals, ewing you're suing a building. i'm not a lawyer but as a human being i'm upset. our league legal eagles. if corporations aren't people, mitt romney says they are, elizabeth warren and the entire convention says they're not people. you sue a company, there's no one to sue. >> the first thing is that mitt romney is confused. so maybe tomorrow he will say that they're not people. we don't know what thinks history -- >> you don't think corporations -- wait. are corporations people or not? >> corporation are legally people but not people. >> neil: who is running them, the desk? >> it's not. >> wait, wait. a company, you deserve. >> i don't even know what a droid is.
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that's not part of my generation. >> now you're condescending to us. >> the point is --s. >> this is good-bye to going toa long four minutes. >> they're people. you can sue a corporation because you have to sue somebody. >> and serve papers to people. >> though don't have emotions, they don't cry. >> corporations cry. you have people. >> they don't go out to bermuda like mitt romney. >> neil: oh ... >> are you kidding me? corporations go to jail. people in corporations go to jail when they do criminal acts. people are sued in corporations and they're there getting the papers because they're part of the corporation. and for you to say it's a legal entity, that's right. but they're also people. >> no, they're people who are running the corporation. period. >> neil: your -- here's something you don't have to be a lawyer over. this bugs me. it lets out a antibusiness bias.
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not just from you. >> i'm a business owner, by the way. >> and you're a person and a nice person. my point is it is so weird for a whole convention hall of 20,000 people to clap and roar when she says corporations are not people. i'm thinking the people who run corporations say that's a fox nut alert. >> and all the people employed by corporations everywhere and getting money from corporations and we're clapping because we said -- >> neil: some could be bad people. >> let me provide a imagery. i would say that the government is lady justice and you have corporations and then you have. >> neil: the government people? >> the government is made up of people. >> neil: okay, corporations are not made up of people. >> balancing test or balance out the people in the corporations so there's fairness. >> neil: do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? here our debate. we're no longer looking at whole
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massive entities that are the hallmarks of what make capitalism the envy of the world because it's a bunch of desks and computers. >> when you go to mcdonald's to get a hamburger. >> desks and computers are people? >> we're making that point. >> neil: up now both become tedious. you're just talking robots. >> are we androids. >> down the electronic bench. >> we're not people. >> neil: coming up, this. there are no people driving that vehicle. see what happens when we go on the road? the hits keep coming, fair and balanced looking out for your money, real people, real money, real issues after this. ♪
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>> neil: from charlotte with love but in case you missed our spectacular coverage of the democratic national convention, i want you to take a look at this. >> "fox business" coverage of the election 2011. the democratic national convention. >> if it's important to you we mean business and we don't talk about it, we go all night covering it. >> rather than ine engaging in gimmickry, let us engage on what should be done. what should be done? jo i don't. >> neil: i don't want to interpret you. it's ironic we have according to the united states treasury eclipsed a $16 trillion debt level. >> in order to move us out of the $16 trillion debt, which was created before the president, you have to invest in the american people. >> neil: wait a minute, you could argue maybe 11 trillion was created before the president but 5 trillion plus is his. >> it's amazing with the exception of you referring to
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the debt clock how few of your colleagues speaking down there do, like it doesn't exist. >> i beg to differ on that. >> we have a good president. >> neil: so you like him. you're going to say no to romney. >> i want him reelected. >> that's a fox news alert right there. there's a tendency to see the glass as half empty when we think about. >> neil: you know what? we chatted. >> and the. >> neil: i don't see it. i see it as green and i see a lot of green being wasted. would you ever run for president? >> i haven't spent a lot of time thinking about it or doing anything except working for president obama's reelection. i appreciate you bringing it up because everybody tweets my mom. >> you're my friend. maybe it's december 31st and you say, warner, you are right. >> neil: you would always call you senator. >> you can call me mr. cavuto but i'll call you senator.
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>> you're -- i will give you this, you come on, you talk to us, which is more than i can say for a lot of your colleagues. >> have me on again. >> neil: i will. you see a lot of the democratic names, we're not unable to get their names but the pr people essentially blow us off and you have to take matters into my own hands. do you have a minute to talk to us? >> yes. >> you're getting a lot of reaction. >> i feel good, yes. >> a lot of democrats are saying it did. >> delegates are telling me that registered, do you think it did? >> i hope so. >> so you feel pretty good? >> all right, this is just coming in from blogs, cavuto finishing stunning one-on-one with massachusetts governor deval patrick. cavuto has stunning exchange with massachusetts governor. i made that up. what did you think of my bonding moment with the governor? i think he likes me.
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>> i think so. >> neil: i think we have to do a deval patrick with her. we've been bonding with these big names. my way of saying hello from fox. >> you have a lot of red bull going into that? >> folks, sarah palin said she could see russia from alaska. >> he diminished himself by even mentioning my name. how does he know my name? >> bill clinton can not only whip up a crowd, he can sell your story way, way beyond this convention hall. >> you must vote and you must reelect president barack obama. >> he's among the corporate types who are here. there's not a lot here but there are a lot of democratic c.e.o.s, they're not imaginary friends of the president so that will disavow people of that notion. >> madam chairwomen, delegates,
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i accept your nomination for president of the united states. >> i want to thank you, we're out. good night. i want to thank everybody here at fox and our crew. everyone was diligent. we mean it when we say we're looking after your monday on "fox business." if you avoid us and give us the run around, we'll chase you. governor deval patrick, wherever you are, i'm coming after you. remember, the president's you didn't build that comment. listen to this. >> we're not entitled to success. we have to earn it. we honor the strivers dreamers, risktakers, entrepreneurs who are driving force behind our free enterprise system. the. >> i think they call that an olive branch. is the president trying to win
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